Pencils to Pixels!
Here's a breakdown of the stages a character drawing will go through, to reach completion...see the finished results at:
Herge's Adventures of Tintin!
Tintin is my personal favourite character of all time. Here's a little pic I did as a dedication to Georges Remi, creator of Tintin...better known as the legendary Herge.
The new Online Dandy motion it works:
I have been working away on two strips for the new Online Dandy motion's a new way of working, and it's really fun! Here's a breakdown of how a panel is constructed, bearing in mind the new possibilities of time and motion. See the finished results here:
Always keep an Online Dandy handy!

To celebrate the launch of the new Online Dandy, I will be adding some sample art from the two strips (Brassneck and Keyhole Kate) that I illustrate in the comic.
Brassneck is a robot with a mysterious past...and a fun filled future.
Keyhole Kate is an ace reporter for her school newspaper...she has an eye for detail, a nose for a story, and a mystery to solve!
Follow both their adventures at the Online Dandy:
My good friend Stuart Beel has just published volume one of a comic book adaptation he is doing of MONKEY! I did this little pic after reading it...great book!
FRED and ORBIT! Putting it together!
Here is a breakdown of how I put an illustration together on the computer. I've had these guys written for a while, but have never settled on a visual style for them. The last pic shows two very different approaches-one is classical, while the other is more modern...which do you prefer?
BOOK REVEIWS! I have posted samples from my three books (below), and more importantly, where YOU can BUY THEM! But it's only fair to offer up some third party opinions on them first, before I go blowing my own trumpet, so I got to review all three of them...first up is RAISNG AMY! This is a GREAT BOOK! But that is just my opinion! Here is theirs:
MILK+ In Review! Gulp!
In first graphic novel was MILK+ The printed version is only available
directly from me, get in touch here: to purchase a signed first printing (b&w). This version includes two stories that were removed from the downloadable one-just gone live on iBooks! See earlier blog for details/link to this colour/b&w digital version. These two stories will also be removed from any future printings, so they will never see the light of day outside this one! HERE IS WHAT DOWNTHETUBES.NET HAD TO SAY ABOUT IT...
directly from me, get in touch here: to purchase a signed first printing (b&w). This version includes two stories that were removed from the downloadable one-just gone live on iBooks! See earlier blog for details/link to this colour/b&w digital version. These two stories will also be removed from any future printings, so they will never see the light of day outside this one! HERE IS WHAT DOWNTHETUBES.NET HAD TO SAY ABOUT IT...
A Cheap Laugh!
Raising Amy is now available as a digital download...£2.50 for 250 strips-that's just 1p per strip!!! Laughs just don't come any cheaper than this: Also avaiable from: in printed format!
Here, for your pleasure...a little taste of my book, "Raising Amy-Born To Be Wild." The book contains a total of 250 cartoon strips! These 8 strips are on me:
My first graphic novel, MILK+ is now available to download from iBooks! 63 colour/b&w pages of horror/sci-fi/fantasy stories all rendered in a multitude of visual and storytelling styles by yours truly...and all for less than £2.50! What are you waiting for...get MILK+ here:
H2 OhOh!
Check out a full story from MILK+ in this's a little FREE sci-fi taster to whet your appetite!
I got books in a shop, for real!
All three of my books, MILK+, Raising Amy and X are now available from Plan B Books in Glasgow...what are you waiting for? Get yours!
How a poster image is created...
Showing four stages of creating a poster image.
1 Simple Neverland is drawn in block colours on the computer.
2 A rainbow is added on a seperate layer.
3 A few details and effects are added, and Peter Pan is dropped in.
4 Tinker Bell is added on a seperate layer, and the lettering completes the image.
1 Simple Neverland is drawn in block colours on the computer.
2 A rainbow is added on a seperate layer.
3 A few details and effects are added, and Peter Pan is dropped in.
4 Tinker Bell is added on a seperate layer, and the lettering completes the image.
Peter Pan in the paper!
Got a page and a half in the Sunday Herald!
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